The Dane Foundation is able to offer the experience shared by many of parents, service providers, and individuals with disabilities to help advocate and navigate the complicated disability services system in Ohio. Whether an individual needs assistance understanding options and opportunities, or a family needs assistance with forms, choosing service options, and providers, The Dane Foundation can assist through the Advocacy program.
In Ohio, there is a current push to deny nursing services to individuals with disabilities. Many of these individuals are considered medically fragile and/or have multiple disabilities and have received nursing services for many years. The DODD, in an effort to "save" money, is reviewing every individual that is currently receiving nursing and, in most cases, services are being denied. While the state is offering, in some situations, that nurses be replaced with home health aides (HPC), the training is minimal AND there are no service providers available to even provide the services. Because the liability is very high for a registered nurse, most agencies and independent providers are not offering the HPC delegated nursing services at all. In addition, there are very few agencies that will even serve children with disabilities in any way, especially through delegated nursing. Akron Children's Hospital, one of the leading health care providers for children in the country, refuses to offer this HPC service to children, stating it is not safe or sufficient. They contend, that delegating nursing services to children with disabilities is also illegal in most cases. The law specifically speaks to tasks that can be delegated to children, and children with disabilities should never be excluded from the same legal provisions even though the state contends they have "special permission" to exempt children with disabilities from these nursing laws that have been designed to protect children receiving home health care.
The Dane Foundation has been working with many parents and families that are going through this process. While some changes have been made due to advocacy efforts, the process still has many flaws and is not providing person centered services or choices. If you are a family and/or individual with physical or developmental disabilities that is going through the nursing crisis with DODD, please feel free to contact us. The Dane Foundation can provide information and guidance through the basics of the process, including appeal hearings, etc. If you are experiencing a nursing denial or are about to undergo the annual "recertification" and would like more information, please contact The Dane Foundation at
FYI: All individuals that have been denied services are entitled to file two appeals rejecting the state's decision. Following a third denial, the individual may file in the Court of Common Pleas to have a judge intervene on their behalf and review the denial of services based on the law.